Monday, 11 June 2007


I'm taking the day off work today, because for the first time this year I am feeling decidedly below par, with a scratchy throat and (I think) a low fever. I'm hot and cold and shivery. I don't know whether to blame the fact I was definitely eating sub-optimally over the last few days - as usual, nothing bad, just not enough good stuff - because I was busy and with P and my mother, or whether stress is just knocking me for six and forcing me to slow down.

Either way, I am taking it easy today, and self-medicating with lemon juice and manuka honey, and lots of garlic in my salad. I thought my appetite had gone but I just managed to put away a ton of lettuce and salad veggies, and some cottage cheese with LLBY, so I guess not. I have the ultimate comfort food (butternut squash!) baking in the oven, and I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day feeling slightly sorry for myself in bed with a few books.


Deborah said...

I hope you are feeling better very soon...You deserve a day to yourself..I just hope the throat is healing quickly. is that honey raw?

Sara said...

The honey is mixed up in hot lemon. Does that count as raw? I am feeling better enough to move out to the garden now...

Robin said...

Sounds like you're taking good care of yourself. Mmm, butternut squash! Just relax and focus on reducing your stress. I hope you feel better soon.

HkGrace said...

I hope you're still relaxing! I love books in bed.

Illiah said...

Feel better soon! and read some for all of us!

Anonymous said...

Hey - hope you're feeling better....
I've been under the weather with similar symptoms. Today I can't breathe and I sound froggy :)

The link above is the new blog - I just didn't like the old one.

Yours - J

Sara said...

Hi Joanna... Don't seem to be able to open the new blog pages at the moment...