Friday, 28 September 2007

More Cravings

Today in Wholefoods, a server was handing out samples of fresh baked baguette with cheshire cheese and chilli jam. Sara-fave-tastic.

I resisted the temptation.

Because I was craving chocolate. Dark chocolate, chocolate blacker than a moonless midnight and with a cocoa kick like an irascible mule.

Thanks to Green and Black's considerate packaging of tiny pieces of their organic 70% in individual wrappers (each piece approx 22 calories), this craving has now been satisfied.

Now I need to work out what to do with the other 11 pieces... I'm not usually a chocolate girl.


April said...


The only time I ever crave chocolate is about four days before my period. But I like crappy chocolate: M&Ms will always fix me right up.


Sara said...

More like the miserable weather here today; I needed something to perk me up.

Lin said...

One thing to put on your Christmas list is 100% organic cocoa solids chocolate.

Boy that stuff puts hairs on your chest!
Not that you need a hairy chest, mind you, but it is certainly a unique experience!

Schatze said...

I <3 Green and Blacks! Never seen tiny little pieces around here though, just the bars. I'm sure going to look harder next time...

Nenette Alejandria Mayor said...

oh, I love G&B's dark chocolate too!
Yes, as the weather gets colder here, I find I reach for chocolate more often.
That, and anything with coconut milk that my grandmother used to make.

Zana said...

I love the G&Bs dark chocolate with mint :) Or Lake Champlain Peppermint Crunch.... yum!

Linda said...

Thanks for the tip about the eggwhites I will look out for them next time I'm in Selfridges. And we should definitely do coffee sometime!

Matthew said...

I could eat chocolate all day :D

Lindt dark chocolate is amazing, never tasted G&B.

Over the last few days there have been about five different cakes in the kitchen, all of my fave ones I had when I was younger. temptations :p

but I never touched them, too late anyway because they've all been eaten by my parents :)

The faster Aubrey can cure aging, the quicker I'll be able to eat all the cakes and chocolate I like haha :)

Illiah said...

What to do with the other chocolate pieces? Want my postal address? I can dispose of them properly!

Arturo said...

Hi Sara
If you don't send them to Iliah, you can always keep them in the refrigerator until the next time you have a craving for them. I also have not seen them packaged small like that over here.

HkGrace said...

Yeah, Americans aren't much for small packages. Bigger is better, right?