Tuesday, 30 December 2008

The Fall

Ok, I take it all back about feeling confident about cooking meat as a veggie.

Not that I even have to deal with the lump of dead cow that is currently scaring the living daylights out of me every time I open the fridge, but. Ew, ick.

The friend who was supposed to be hosting NYE dinner is sick, so now NYE will be a joint effort between my friend E (next door) and myself. E will cook The Cow. All well and good. But I had to go and buy The Cow from the farmshop this morning - rib of beef, 3 ribs.

Almost four kilos of cow corpse. Given the cost of it (not mine, bless E), please God the butcher didn't see a blanching vegetarian and decide to palm off the mankiest beast that had ever ended its days under a sharp implement (no, I don't want to think about it) onto me. Never mind creating deliciousness out of this for my carnivorous beloveds; all that I am going to create with this monstrosity is one very large hysterical fit.


Happy New Year, all. xxxx.


Cave Cooking said...

:) Your post made me laugh out loud. Best of luck tackling the mounds of flesh. I'm sure you'll be fabulous :)

April said...

Happy New Year, Sara, and thank you so much for your kind comments re: Philomena. I cried and cried when Tigsy died. She looked so much like Philo. I bet they're in kitty heaven comparing notes about us!

lots of love and hugs,